
Ebullition Records
Po Box 680 Goleta, CA 93116 USA
ebullition [èbəlíʃn] エバリション、エバリッション、イバリション
1 (熱情・感情などの)ほとばしり, 激発, あふれ出る様子
2 (液体の)沸騰;(水・溶岩・火・ガスなどの)噴出
3 (戦争・内乱などの)ぼっ発(outburst)
レーベル以外の活動としては、HeartattaCkというファンジンを季刊ペースで50号まで毎号10000部を発行していた(March 1994 – June 2006)。
※Stratagem #2 (1997)より
Ebullition History
In early 1990 I decided to start a record label. Sonia Skindrud of Exedra ‘zine, Brent Stephens from Downcast, and I all decided to start one together. Sonia came up with the name, and Brent drew the logo. Once the label got started it quickly became clear that Ebullition would actually be my label rather than all three of ours.
私は、1990年の初めにレコードレーベルを始めることにした。そしてExedra’ zineを発行していたSonia Skindrud(Not For The Lack Of Trying)と、DowncastのBrent Stephensと一緒に始めることになった。レーベル名はSoniaが考え、そしてBrentがレーベルロゴを描いてくれた。しかしレーベルを始めてからはEbullitionは私たち3人のレーベルではなく、実際には私自身のレーベルになっていった。
I originally wanted to release the Inside Out LP as the first Ebullition release. Inside Out had agreed to do an LP with Ebullition, but Revelation Records came along and asked them to do a 7″ instead. They ended up doing the 7″ with Revelation, though it didn’t come out until a year later and by that time Inside Out had already broken up, reformed, and changed into a very different band.
元々、最初のEbullitionリリースとしてInside OutのLPのリリースを考えていた。Inside OutもEbullitionからリリースすることに同意していた。しかしRevelation Recordsが彼らに7インチのリリースの話を持ちかけた。彼らは結局、Revelationから7インチをリリースすることになったが、それが実際にリリースされたのは決定から1年後のことで、その頃にはInside Outはメンバーが脱退して解散状態になり、音楽性が異なる別のバンドに変わっていた。
I always wonder what would have happened to Ebullition and Inside Out if they had done that LP on Ebullition rather than doing the 7″ with Revelation. I still wish Ebullition would have been able to do this release. Incidentally, Inside Out did plan to do a second record called Rage Against The Machine, which was a phrase I coined in some writings I did for No Answers #9. They never managed to finish this second release and Zack ended up using the phrase for the title of his next band.
もし、Revelationからの7インチではなくEbullitionからLPがリリースされていたら、EbullitionとInside Outはその後どうなっていっただろう、と考えることがある。そして、できることなら今現在もこのLPをリリースしたいと思っている。
余談だが、Inside Outは2枚目のレコード「Rage Against The Machine」をリリースする計画をしていた。このタイトル名となったフレーズは私が考えたもので、私が発行していたファンジンNo Answersの9号で使用したものである。
The second release I wanted to do on Ebullition was by Econochrist. I really wanted to do their Ruination LP. But Ebullition had never done a record, so Econochrist decided to do it with Very Small Records. Later Ebullition would of course put out two Econochrist 7″s and an Econochrist LP along with the Econochrist discography CDx2. Ruination is unfortunately out of print since Very Small Records discontinued most of their back catalog many years ago. I have always wanted to repress that LP since it was one of the first releases I was ever interested in doing, but every attempt at repressing it managed to end in failure.
次にリリースしたかったのはEconochristだった。Ruination LPをリリースしたいと思っていたものの、Ebullitionはその当時まだ一枚もレコードをリリースしていなかったこともあり、結果的にEconochristはVery Small Recordsからリリースすることに決めた。
Ruination LPは現在は残念なことに廃盤であり、Very Small Recordsはリリースの多くが永らく廃盤となっていて既に活動停止の状態である。
Finally, Ebullition’s first release came out in late 1990. I had been doing No Answers ‘zine since 1983 and the ninth issue came with the Downcast 7″ (Ebullition #1). We released 3,000 copies of No Answers #9 with the Downcast 7″ and after those were sold the ‘zine and 7″ became separate products.
Downcast was the perfect band to start Ebullition with, and while I would have liked to have done those releases with Inside Out and Econochrist, Downcast was certainly the best choice for the start of Ebullition Records.
最終的に、Ebullitionの最初のリリースは1990年の後半になった。 それは私が1983年から発行しているファンジン「No Answers」の9号に付ける形でリリースされたDowncastの7インチだった。ファンジンに7インチを付けたものを3000部発行し、それが完売した後は7インチとジンはそれぞれ単体でリリースした。
DowncastはEbullitionと共に歩んで行くのにふさわしい、素晴らしいバンドだった。Inside OutやEconochristをリリースしたかったのは確かだが、最初のリリースをDowncastにしたのはEbullitionにとって最良の選択だった。
Kent McClard
注)Inside Outについて
Zack de la Rocha began Inside Out in August of 1988, when he decided he wanted to sing in a band (rather than play Guitar, as he had been doing in Hardstance). Teaming up with Rob Hayworth (also of Hardstance) on Guitar, Sterling Wilson (of No For An Answer) on Bass, and Vadim (of Half Off) on Drums, Zack wrote several songs and played one or two shows. The response, however, was not enthusiastic, and Zack put the band on hold.
ザック・デ・ラ・ロチャ(Zack de la Rocha)は1988年の8月にInside Outを始め、このバンドでは(前のバンドHardstanceのようにギターを弾くのではなく)ヴォーカリストとして歌うことを決めていた。
そして、同じくHardstanceのメンバーだったロブ・ヘイワース(Rob Hayworth)がギター、No For An Answerのスターリング・ウィルソン(Sterling Wilson)がベース、Half Offのヴァディム(Vadim)がドラムを務め、ザックがいくつか曲を作った。
In mid 1989 Vic DiCara moved to SoCal. Chris Bratton, acting on a tip from Tom Capone of Beyond, contacted Vic to play in a band he had put together for Dave Smalley (best known as the singer of DYS, Dag Nasty, All, and Down By Law). Dave actually came down and sang with the band, but soon felt he wanted to distance himself from Dag Nasty at that time (he then formed Down By Law). But a member of that band, Alex Baretto (Best known as bassist for Chain of Strength and who had also been playing drums with Zack in Hardstance) got the inspiration to reanimate Inside Out – fusing Zack and Sterling from the original line up, with himself on drums and Vic on guitar.
1989年の中頃、ヴィック・ダイカラ(Vic DiCara)が南カリフォルニアに移住してきた。クリス・ブラットン(Chris Bratton)はBeyondのトム・カポーン(Tom Capone)の薦めでヴィックに連絡をし、クリスがデイヴ・スモーリー(Dave Smalley:DYS, Dag Nasty, All, Down By Lawのヴォーカルとして知られる)と計画していた新たなバンドに誘った。
デイヴはその頃はDag Nastyと距離を置きたかったようで(既にDown By Lawも結成していたが)、このバンドで活動することを決めていた。
しかし、そのバンドのメンバーであったアレックス・バレット(Alex Baretto:Chain of Strengthのベーシストとして最もよく知られている。またHardstanceのドラムとしてザックと一緒にプレイしていた)はInside Outを再生することに興味を持ち、オリジナルメンバーのザックとスモーリーに、アレックス自身がドラムとして、そしてヴィックがギターとして加わった。
The resulting pool of emotional and spiritual energy, chemistry, and artistry was amazing. Together they belted out great new songs, the first of which was “No Spiritual Surrender” – which Vic had written the basic music and lyrics to. Playing their first show in a Riverside restaurant called “Spanky’s Cafe” the response from the Hardcore scene was immense, and a huge wave of excitement spread throughout the American and International Hardcore scenes.
同時に、彼らは次々に素晴らしい曲をライブで演奏し、その最初の結果が「No Spiritual Surrender」であった。この音源の曲と歌詞のベース部分はヴィックが書いていた。
このメンバーでの最初のライブは「Spanky’s Cafe」と言われるリバーサイドレストランで行われ、ハードコアシーンでの反応は非常に大きかった。
Some personal issues led Sterling to leave the band. He was replaced with Mark Hayworth (Rob’s brother, best known as a bassist for Gorilla Biscuits and Hardstance), while some similar issues with Alex Baretto led to him being replaced by Chris Bratton (best known as the drummer for Wool and Chain of Strength). Though the leaving members were truly missed, these line up changes did not slow the band down a bit, and the new chemistry of the members upped the ampage.
いくつかの個人的な問題があり、スターリングはバンドを離れた。入れ替わるようにしてロブの兄弟でGorilla BiscuitsとHardstanceのベーシストとして良く知られるマーク・ヘイワース(Mark Hayworth)が加入したが、アレックスも似たような問題からバンドを離れてしまう。アレックスの代わりとして、WoolやChain of Strengthのドラマーとして知られるクリス・ブラットン(Chris Bratton)が加入した。
Early in 1990, Inside Out recorded 6 songs, which were quickly picked up by Revelation Records, which they released about a year later as the “No Spiritual Surrender” EP.
1990年の始めに6曲をレコーディングし、そのおよそ1年後に早くから声をかけられていたReveration Recordsから「No Spiritual Surrender」EPをリリースした。
Having played the west coast extensively, Inside Out now embarked on a US Tour with Shelter and Quicksand. The shows were awesome, but something else was brewing. Vic’s interests in spirituality – rooted in the later days of Beyond, and fueled by his ardent love for the music and messages of the Bad Brains, the Cro-Mags, and Reggae music – though in large part a source of Inside Out’s intensity, ironically threatened to end the chemistry of Inside Out before it could really blossom.
Inside Outはアメリカの西海岸の各地を回る大規模なツアーをShelter、Quicksandと共に行った。ライブはどれも素晴らしかったが、ある不穏な事が起こり始めていた。ヴィックは精神世界に興味を持ち始めていた(それはBeyondの後期から既にあったものだったが)。彼の音楽に対する愛情と、Bad Brains、Cro-Mags、そしてレゲエミュージックの持つメッセージは彼の原動力だった。
そしてそれはInside Outが持つ激しさの大部分を占めていたが、皮肉なことに軌道に乗り始めたInside Outの活動を脅かすものとなっていく。
On the heavily Krishna saturated tour, Shelter’s singer and the Hare Krishna ambassador to Hardcore, Ray Cappo (singer of Youth of Today and Shelter), assured Vic that he should quit Inside Out to become a full-on Hare Krishna initiate… and join Ray’s own band, Shelter.
前述のツアーはクリシュナ色の強いツアーとなった。Youth Of Today、Shelterのヴォーカルであり、ハレ・クリシュナの大使だったレイ・キャポ(Ray Cappo)は、ヴィックにInside Outを脱退してハレ・クリシュナに入信し、Shelterに加入するよう強く薦めた。
At the end of June, 1990, Just before their show, Ray & Vic entered a backstage room at the “Vic Theatre” in Chicago, where Vic told Zack and Mark that he had decided he would leave the band at the end of the tour to become a Hindu Monk (and, of course, to play Guitar in Shelter).
1990年の終わり頃、シカゴの「Vic Theatre」でのライブが始まる直前にレイとヴィックが楽屋に入ってきて、ヴィックはこのツアーが終わったらヒンドゥー教の僧侶になるためにバンドを脱退すること(そしてShelterでギターを弾くこと)をザックとマークに話した。
Dismayed, Zack and Mark attempted to continue the band, and were able to write a few more great songs, but the particular chemistry that was Inside Out was no more. Zack dissolved the band around August of 1988, and took his ideas and inspirations forward to form the band he is now best known for: Rage Against The Machine.
すっかり意気消沈したザックとマークではあったが、それでもバンドを続けようとし、素晴らしい曲を何曲か作っていた。しかし、かつてのようなバンドの一体感を取り戻すことはできなかった。ザックは1988年から続いていたこのバンドを終わらせて、彼は自身の考えや創造性を次のバンドで推し進めていった。そのバンドが彼の活動で最も良く知られている「Rage Against The Machine」である。
Inside Out – Rage Against The Machine (Live) ’91
Things you might want to know about Ebullition
How many people work at Ebullition?
Two. Just Lisa and Kent.
Kent, of course, founded Ebullition, and Lisa has worked her for more than 13 years.
Who does what?
Lisa keeps track of all of the inventory in our office. She pulls all of orders, and she personally packs and ships 99% of all of the orders within the USA. She also helps with deciding on restock orders when we are low on inventory.
Kent does all of the accounting, and decides what we will carry. He does all of the catalogs and updates the web site on either Saturday or Sunday each week. He also ships all of the international orders. And he pays labels/bands and manages the restock orders with Lisa’s help.
Can either of you read minds?
Surprisingly, no.
Thus if you send us an order or e-mail then please tell us who you are and what you are talking about. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people in the world that have the same first name. It is best to include your full name and address with every order, and if you are responding to an e-mail from us then please either quote our original e-mail or describe what we were talking about!
How do I get something distributed by Ebullition?
E-mail a description for the release, as well as a wholesale price to wholesale@ebullition.com and sooner or later Kent will get back to you. If he needs more information then he will ask. Don’t bother sending sound files as Kent doesn’t understand how to listen to them, and he certainly doesn’t want to read your one sheet. Keep it simple.
What are your payment terms?
In general we work on consignment with a payment schedule that will be determined by the speed at which your releases sell. If your stock sells very slowly then you will get paid very slowly, and if your stock sells very fast then you will get paid very fast. Everything is subject to how busy we are. Being that we are only 2 people that can change quite quickly.
How come you haven’t answered my e-mail?
As noted, Ebullition is only run by two people. Lisa does NOT work on the weekend, and she generally is off 2 Fridays a month. So if you e-mail her when she is off then you have to wait for her to get back. She is very good about e-mail and if you don’t get a response within 7 days then something is wrong.
Kent does work on the weekend, but he doesn’t answer e-mail every day. He tries to do the important e-mail on a very regular basis, but he gets a LOT of e-mail and sometimes he gets behind. It may take a few weeks to get a response, and if it isn’t critical then it might take a lot longer then you would like.
Are you and Lisa married or dating?
Lisa is married to Brett (This Machine Kills/Not For The Lack of Trying guitarist). They have two children, Xander and Quinn.
いいえ。リサはThis Machine Kills/Not For The Lack of Tryingのギターを弾いていたブレットと結婚しているよ。彼らにはサンダーとクウィンという二人の子供もいるよ。
Is Ebullition a cult?
It is true that Kent, our friend Steve, Brett, Lisa, Quinn, and Xander all live together in one house.
That doesn’t make us a cult, though I am sure that all of our various parents might think otherwise.